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What is Casting Type for Actors

by TheHeadshotAssistants
November 24, 2023 4:01AM UTC

Casting Type for Actors really is the assumuptions of 'Look.'  That can mean 'wow, they look like a movie star.'  Or More often they look like a 'Thug.' 'Reporter' 'Mom' 'a great Aunt Mary' or 'Cop' and sometimes they are nice enough to give your screen time a name.  No disrepect but if you think like a business 'Looks' to an Actor are worth there weigh in gold. Literally. 

True story, the co-star who says that one line 'No, he's not over here.' beat out a hundred or more full time Actors doing their rounds looking for their break. Which could come on the heals of a chicken commercial. Who knows, but what we do now is that a couple thousand submitted their headshot in the first two hours, and a couple thousand more through the weekend.  It's important to note that most if not all of the Actors that are called in for the auditon... 'Look' the part, in their headshot... that they submitted which is supposed to represent who they are now.*

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