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How To Get Great Headshots – No Matter Who You’re Shooting With

by RobinBlack
November 24, 2023 6:34AM UTC

Good photographers know about things like depth of field, lighting, shutter speeds and exposures and the best time of day to shoot to get the best light. Top photographers, however, know about faces and bodies. They know how to maximize or minimize pretty much any and every feature imaginable. Top photographers will help you pose, choose the best wardrobe, know the best hair and makeup artists to recommend and even the best places to shoot outside of a studio.

All of these things are great perks of being able to hire a top photographer, but what if you can’t afford one of the top 10 best photographers in town? Well, there are many things you can do on your own to ensure you get the best high quality photos from even a less experienced photographer. Remember that for most actors, the goal is to one day be on camera on a regular basis. Therefore, it’s never too early to start figuring out how you look best on camera and the more you know, the more you can help any photographer help you get the very best head shots possible.

Here are 3 ways to ensure you get great head shots no matter who you are shooting with

1.) Know your angles